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Enjoy the mouth-watering flavors of Royal Riviera Brut Supreme, a sparkling wine made from carefully selected white grapes. Its dry, refreshing taste and long finish make it an exceptional accompaniment to any occasion. Perfect for celebratory toasts or sophisticated gatherings, this exclusive blend is sure to impress.

Royal Riviera Brut Supreme

Preu de venta €62.39
Preu regular €64.50Has guardat€2.11 OFF

Impost inclòs. Enviament calculat a checkout


Enjoy the mouth-watering flavors of Royal Riviera Brut Supreme, a sparkling wine made from carefully selected white grapes. Its dry, refreshing taste and long finish make it an exceptional accompaniment to any occasion. Perfect for celebratory toasts or sophisticated gatherings, this exclusive blend is sure to impress.

Royal Riviera Brut Supreme
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