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This luxury gift set by Moet & Chandon includes two bottles of their award-winning 2022 vintage Champagne. The perfect gift for any special occasion, each bottle comes in a stylish giftbox, making it an ideal choice for anniversaries, birthdays or celebratory toasts.

Moet & Chandon 2022 TWIN SET 2x 0,75l Caixa de regal

Preu de venta €119.99
Preu regular €124.75Has guardat€4.76 OFF

Impost inclòs. Enviament calculat a checkout


This luxury gift set by Moet & Chandon includes two bottles of their award-winning 2022 vintage Champagne. The perfect gift for any special occasion, each bottle comes in a stylish giftbox, making it an ideal choice for anniversaries, birthdays or celebratory toasts.

Moet & Chandon 2022 TWIN SET 2x 0,75l Caixa de regal
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