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Lanson Le Rose is a dry rosé champagne from the renowned French wine producer. Combined with its subtle fruity aromas, this champagne offers a delicate balance between freshness and maturity. Its subtle and complex flavors make it perfect for any special occasion.

Champagne Lanson Le Rosé Brut 12,5% Vol. 0,75l en caixa de regal

Preu de venta €63.59
Preu regular €66.75Has guardat€3.16 OFF

Impost inclòs. Enviament calculat a checkout


Lanson Le Rose is a dry rosé champagne from the renowned French wine producer. Combined with its subtle fruity aromas, this champagne offers a delicate balance between freshness and maturity. Its subtle and complex flavors make it perfect for any special occasion.

Champagne Lanson Le Rosé Brut 12,5% Vol. 0,75l en caixa de regal
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